Forgery takes high flight
Last month, the internet auction eBay sold an "Inverted Jenny" for only 100 dollar. That's a bargain, since "Jenny" is one of the most popular deviations; it has a market value of some 100000 dollar.
But then, the eBay item wasn't real; it was a cut out color picture which was stuck on a real, toothed stamp. This was published in the American stamp magazine Linn's Stamp News. David Burke, who sold the stamp, placed a forgery on the internet for 1 dollarcent, with the words 'what you see is what you get. No promises, no guarantees, happy bidding'. To his own surpise, the stamp yielded 10000 times the starting price. Burke got paid electronically, through PayPal, and he hurried to declare that "when the buyer wants his money back, he'd get it".
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Maandblad Filatelie